Posts tagged with AngularJS

Featured image for "Angular-powered forms"

Angular-powered forms

Demonstration of how to use AngularJS form validation and how to write your own directives for custom form validation.

Featured image for "Adding some D3 magic to AngularJS"

Adding some D3 magic to AngularJS

D3 is a framework about visualizing data. In this tutorial I will show you how to integrate it with AngularJS by using it inside a directive.

Featured image for "Making your AngularJS application grunt"

Making your AngularJS application grunt

Running tests, minifying files, ... these are two of the many tasks you canfigure by using the Grunt task runner for your JavaScript application.

Featured image for "Jasminify your Angular app"

Jasminify your Angular app

Wrote an app using AngularJS? Great! Now it's time to use the angular-mock framework and Jasmine to test your controllers, services, filters and directives.

Featured image for "Working with the MEAN stack"

Working with the MEAN stack

With the introduction of Node.js you can write entire applications using only one language; JavaScript. A good example of this is the MEAN stack.

Featured image for "Working with the MEAN stack: MVC"

Working with the MEAN stack: MVC

In this tutorial I will write both the front-end AngularJS MVC code and the back-end MVC code using Express to complete our app using the MEAN stack.

Featured image for "Working with the MEAN stack: Application setup"

Working with the MEAN stack: Application setup

The MEAN stack is a pure JavaScript stack containing MongoDB, Express, AngularJS and Node.js. In this tutorial I'm going to use these to build our own app.

Featured image for "Introduction to AngularJS"

Introduction to AngularJS

AngularJS is a framework by Google that allows you to write your code according to the Model, View, Controller pattern.

Featured image for "Introduction to AngularJS: A rating directive"

Introduction to AngularJS: A rating directive

This entire introduction tutorial to AngularJS will be spent to directives. Directives allow you to "componentize" small chunks of UI logic for reusability.

Featured image for "An introduction to AngularJS: Filters and factories"

An introduction to AngularJS: Filters and factories

In this second part of the tutorials series about introducing AngularJS I'm going to talk about filters and factories.